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Наслов: P2P Assisted Streaming for Low Popularity VoD Contents
Authors: Gramatikov, Sasho 
Mishkovski, Igor 
Jaureguizar, Fernando
Cabrera, Julián
García, Narciso
Keywords: P2P, streaming, VoD, popularity, cost, scalability
Issue Date: 12-сеп-2012
Publisher: Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
Conference: International Conference on ICT Innovations
Abstract: The Video on Demand (VoD) service is becoming a dominant service in the telecommunication market due to the great convenience regarding the choice of content items and their independent viewing time. However, due to its high traffic demand nature, the VoD streaming systems are faced with the problem of huge amounts of traffic generated in the core of the network, especially for serving the requests for content items that are not in the top popularity range. Therefore, we propose a peer assisted VoD model that takes advantage of the clients unused uplink and storage capacity to serve requests for less popular items with the objective to keep the traffic on the periphery of the network, reduce the transport cost in the core of the network and make the system more scalable.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/17437
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering: Conference papers

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