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Title: Технолошко унапредување и конкурентност на пропулзивните индустриски сектори во Република Македонија
Authors: Ристовска, Милена
Keywords: technological advancement, technological learning, competitiveness, competitive advantage, propulsive industrial sectors
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Економски факултет, УКИМ, Скопје
Source: Ристовска, Милена (2015). Технолошко унапредување и конкурентност на пропулзивните индустриски сектори во Република Македонија. Докторска дисертација. Скопје: Економски факултет, УКИМ.
Abstract: Facing low national purchasing power, limited capital markets, low level of technological know-how, under-developed national innovation systems and unfavorable macroeconomic environment which does not provide substantive support for independent research and development activities, it is really difficult for developing countries to generate cutting-edge innovations. Therefore, the options for closing the technological gap that separates them from the developed countries lie in the technological learning by the means of foreign direct investments, strategic partnerships, and science and technology cooperation. These sources of technological advancement enable: imitation of strategies, technologies and functional activities of the foreign companies and their internalization by the means of immediate interactions, increase of the accumulation of knowledge and synergism that originates from the generation, accumulation, use and upgrading of the new knowledge. Usually, the ultimate effect from this is advancement of the production means and systems, acceleration of the occurrence of new technological innovations and shortening of the product life cycle, convergence of the technologies and permeability of the barriers between sectors and markets. This technological advancement especially affects the propulsive industrial sectors which though the links with other sectors induce dynamism and open possibilities for structural changes. This dissertation specifically focuses on the propulsive manufacturing sectors in the Macedonian economy. Applying suitable methodology for identification of propulsive industries with use of official statistical data regarding the structural share of the manufacturing industries in value added, employment and export and other relevant indicators, it has been established that the industry for production of food, drinks and tobacco, the textile industry and the industry for production of basic metal and metal products can be considered propulsive industries in Republic of Macedonia. These industrial sectors are traditional and characterized by significant labor-intensity, resource-intensity, insufficiently advanced technological base of the production and low competitiveness on foreign markets. Their technological advancement is problematic given their low level of in-house independent research and development and innovation, and given their inability to make a productive use (if at all) of the foreign sources of technology. As a result their competitive advantage is predominantly based on relative abundance of production resources and low prices. Having in mind the pressing need for a quicker and fuller integration in the international markets of goods and services, a system of public policies’ measures for promoting an environment which will support the technological advancement and competitiveness of the propulsive industrial sectors is of utmost importance. These policies should not “favor” particular sectors, but rather act more broadly in order to ease the technological transfer, stimulate research and development activities, advance the patent activity, develop human capital, develop the information infrastructure and advance the collaboration networks. These policy measures would be realized in a coordinated and coherent manner which will cover all the stakeholders i.e. there would be a systematic interconnectivity between the different domains of policy, coordination of their individual instruments, and compatibility among their strategic objectives.
Description: Докторска дисертација одбранета во 2015 година на Економскиот факултет во Скопје, под менторство на проф. д–р Владимир Петковски.
Appears in Collections:UKIM 01: Dissertations preceding the Doctoral School / Дисертации пред Докторската школа

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