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Наслов: Availability of technology for managing cancer patients in the Southeast European (SEE) region
Authors: Dosanjh, Manjit
Ristova, Mimoza 
Gershan, Vesna 
Georgieva, Petya
Balin Kovacevic, Marijana
Bregu, Ledio
Coralic, Irma
Djurovic, Tamara
Dosieva, Deyana
Foka, Yiota
Fröbe, Ana
Hatziioannou, Konstantinos
Hourdakis, Costas J.
Kabashi, Yllka
Kalev, Dimitar
Kurtishi, Ilir
Litov, Leandar
Mezelxhiu, Beqir
Nestoroska Madjunarova, Svetlana
Nikolova, Gordana
Skrk, Damijan
Smajlbegovic, Velda
Smichkoska, Snezhana 
Stojkovski, Igor 
Strojan, Primož
Tecic, Zdravka
Tešanović, Dušanka
Todorovic, Vladimir
Valerianova, Zdravka
Keywords: South East Europe
Cancer Patients
diagnostic imaging
Issue Date: мар-2022
Publisher: Elsevier BV
Journal: Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology
Abstract: Background: The Southeast European (SEE) region of 10 countries and about 43 million people differs from Western Europe in that most SEE countries lack active cancer registries and have fewer diagnostic imaging devices and radiotherapy (RT) units. The main objective of this research is to initiate a common platform for gathering SEE regional cancer data from the ground up to help these countries develop common cancer management strategies. Methods: To obtain detailed on-the-ground information, we developed separate questionnaires for two SEE groups: a) ONCO - oncologists regarding cancer treatment modalities and the availability of diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy equipment; and b) REG - national radiation protection and safety regulatory bodies regarding diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy equipment in SEE facilities. Results: Based on responses from 13/17 ONCO participants (at least one from each country) and from 9/10 REG participants (all countries but Albania), cancer incidence rates are higher in those SEE countries that have greater access to diagnostic imaging equipment while cancer mortality-to-incidence (MIR) ratios are higher in countries that lack radiotherapy equipment. Conclusion: By combining unique SEE region information with data available from major global databases, we demonstrated that the availability of diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy equipment in the SEE countries is related to their economic development. While immediate diagnostic imaging and radiation therapy capacity building is necessary, it is also essential to develop both national and SEE-regional cancer registries in order to understand the heterogeneity of each country’s needs and to establish regional collaborative strategies for combating cancer.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/17062
DOI: 10.1016/j.ctro.2022.03.004
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medicine: Journal Articles

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