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Title: Странските директни инвестиции и социо-економски развој во Република Македонија: со посебен осврт на инвестициите од Република Турција
Other Titles: Foreign direct investment and socio-economic development in the Republic of Macedonia: with special attention on investments from the Republic of Turkey
Authors: Алији, Есфер
Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment, Socio-Economic Growth, Republic of Macedonia, Republic of Turkey
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Економски факултет, УКИМ, Скопје
Source: Алији, Есфер (2017). Странските директни инвестиции и социо-економски развој во Република Македонија: со посебен осврт на инвестициите од Република Турција. Докторска дисертација. Скопје: Економски факултет, УКИМ.
Abstract: The objective of this research is based on theoretical approaches and practical experiences, as well as based on an empirical analysis, to gain general insights about the current state pertaining to the FDI in the country and their impact on the socio-economic development, as well as finding relevant solutions for increasing the FDI in the Republic of Macedonia, and with particular emphasis on the investments from the Republic of Turkey. Having in mind the specifics of the research objectives, and with reference to the realization of the doctoral thesis objectives, econometric-statistical methods, a case study, a comparative approach, an analysis and synthesis method, etc. have been used. The general findings from the conducted research indicate that the economic cooperation between the Republic of Macedonia and the Republic of Turkey is intensive and active in a number of segments, and in particular concerning the FDI. The analysis indicated that the Turkish investments have a positive impact on the overall volume of FDI in the country and on the economic activity and employment alike. Moreover, they have a pronounced indirect impact on the work standards, use of novel technologies, human resources management, increase in efficiency and efficacy in project implementation, etc. Even though the increase in FDI and in the economic cooperation have been significantly pronounced in the course of the past decade, we have come to the conclusion that there are still certain sectors and segments in the Macedonian economy where the existing potential for cooperation has not been utilized, which in turn represents a solid basis for further analyses and research.
Description: Докторска дисертација одбранета во 2017 година на Економскиот факултет во Скопје, под менторство на проф. д–р Љубомир Кекеновски.
Appears in Collections:UKIM 02: Dissertations from the Doctoral School / Дисертации од Докторската школа

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