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Authors: Emilija TODOROVIC, Milena TALESKA, Mladen MICEVSKI
Keywords: fortresses, cultural heritage, cultural product
Issue Date: сеп-2021
Publisher: TURISTIKA
Source: 2. Todorovic E., Taleska M., Micevski M.: The fortresses in North Macedonia as a cultural tourist offer, Proceedings book of the International scientific and practical conference Current Trends and Prospects of International Tourism, Turistika, 2021
Conference: International scientific and practical conference Current Trends and Prospects of International Tourism
Abstract: The cultural potential of the destination can be measured by the quality and the cultural and natural goods it possesses. In order for these goods to be placed on the market and to meet the expectations of the tourists, it is necessary to create cultural attractions, which will make up the cultural tourist product along with the other environmental factors. The fortresses in North Macedonia are representative of the comprehensive cultural heritage, and as such are the subject of this research paper. The purpose of this paper is determining the authenticity, recognisability, landscaping and services, i.e. the positive and negative impressions of visiting the fortresses through surveying the tourists on their opinion. This makes a realistic image that will help create quality and authentic cultural tourist product that will meet the requirements and needs of the end users.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/15139
ISBN: 978‐608‐4872‐11‐5
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics: Conference papers

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