Faculty of Economics 03: Journal Articles / Статии во научни списанија Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 181 to 200 of 375
PreviewTitleAuthor(s)Issue DateType
f1.pdf.jpgEntrepreneurial intention and effective integration of young people with lower economics status in inclusive business modelsJaneska iliev, Aleksandra ; Debarliev, Stojan 2020Article
Budget_Deficits_and_Fiscal_Decentralization.pdf.jpgBudget Deficits and Fiscal Decentralization: Evidence from Central and Eastern EuropeMakreshanska mladenovska, Suzana ; Petrevski, Goran 2019Journal Article
Efektite na javniot dolg vrz ekonomskiot rast.pdf.jpgЕфектите на јавниот долг врз економскиот раст – емпириска панел анализа за новите земји членки на ЕУПетковски, Михаил ; Ќосевски, Јордан; Макрешанска Младеновска, Сузана 2019Journal Article
Factors_Driving_Public_Debt_Dynamics_conference paper.pdf.jpgFactors driving the gross public debt dynamics: The case of Republic of MacedoniaGockov, GJorgji ; Makreshanska mladenovska, Suzana 2019Journal Article
Decentralisation and Income Inequality in Central and Eastern European CountriesMakreshanska mladenovska, Suzana ; Petrevski, Goran 2019Journal Article
Fiscal Decentralization and Government Size: Evidence from a Panel of European CountriesMakreshanska mladenovska, Suzana ; Petrevski, Goran 2019Journal Article
Maintaining a Hybrid Regime: The Case of MacedoniaTaleski, Dane; Tevdovski, Dragan ; Panov, Trajche; Dimovski, Viktor2016Article
The effects of macroeconomic policies under fixed exchange rates: A Bayesian VAR analysisTevdovski, Dragan ; Petrevski, Goran ; Bogoev, JaneJan-2019Journal Article
Stock Market Efficiency in South Eastern EuropeFilipovski, Vladimir ; Tevdovski, Dragan 2018Book chapter
Fiscal and monetary policy effects in three South Eastern European economiesPetrevski, Goran ; Bogoev, Jane; Tevdovski, Dragan Mar-2016Journal Article
The transmission of foreign shocks to South Eastern European economies: A Bayesian VAR approachPetrevski, Goran ; Exterkate, Peter; Tevdovski, Dragan ; Bogoev, JaneDec-2015Journal Article
2335-3997-2-PB.pdf.jpgDecent Work Diagnostics for a Western Balkan Country Stuck in the Neo-liberal Doctrine: The Case of the Republic of MacedoniaTevdovski, Dragan 2015Journal Article
The transmission of foreign shocks to South Eastern European economiesPetrevski, Goran ; Bogoev, Jane; Tevdovski, Dragan 5-Nov-2014Journal Article
CEA_Journal_Dragan.pdf.jpgIncome Inequality in Macedonia: Mechanisms and SolutionsTevdovski, Dragan Dec-2015Journal Article
2. Knowledge-International Journal 20.2.pdf.jpgAusterity of fiscal stimulus in times of crisis – an old debate without consensusGockov, GJorgji ; Trpeski, Predrag Dec-2017Article
Social expenditure in the European countries.pdf.jpgSocial expenditure in the European countriesTashevska, Biljana 2019Article
Optimum.pdf.jpgANALYSIS OF THE IMPACT OF ECONOMIC FACTORS UPON THE FDI INFLOW IN SEE AND CEE COUNTRIESMakrevska disoska, Elena ; Toshevska trpchevska, Katerina ; Kikerkova, Irena ; Naumovska, Elena 25-Dec-2019Journal Article
Human Freedom and Economic Prosperity: Evidence from Eastern EuropeMakrevska disoska, Elena ; Katerina Shapkova Kocevska2019Journal Article
Digital maturity assessment in the banking industry in the Republic of Macedonia (1).pdf.jpgDigital Maturity Assessment in the Banking Industry in the Republic of MacedoniaTrenevska blagoeva, Kalina ; Josimovski, Sasho ; Mijoska, Marina ; Jovevski, Dimitar Sep-2017Article
REVISTA VESNA BUCEVSKA.pdf.jpgAssessing the future migration potential of the EU candidate countriesBucevska, Vesna Apr-2010Article
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 181 to 200 of 375