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Наслов: Strength exercise for football game #1 – entry trainings
Other Titles: Вежби за силина во фудбалот #1 – воведни тренинзи
Authors: Vuksanovikj, Vladimir 
Aceski, Aleksandar 
Tasevski, Zikica
Keywords: training,
strength exercise,
strength endurance,
legs exercise,
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Faculty of physical education sport and health
Проект: Book- Football Fitness Training- Vuksanovikj
Journal: Kondicija journal
Abstract: Strength training is important one in Football game. This kind of exercise offers to football player to adapt on some of the basic demands of football game (explosive power, competitiveness in the game, reductions of injures, efficiency in speed demanded movements). On the very beginning of trainings period (cycles), the first training sessions need to be kind of intro trainings, which will activate the process of transformation of strength abilities, within the football player. So, the recommendation is to start with easy trainings for strength endurance for the whole body, but also with special attention of strengths exercise for the player’s legs. Intensity of the exercises should be easy to moderate. After a period of few training sessions, the intensity of exercises for the upper body should be until failure, BUT not same as for the legs.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/14380
ISSN: 1857 - 9620
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Physical Education, Sport and Health: Journal Articles

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