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Наслов: За една книжевна ‘микроисторија’: „Деветте круга на пеколот“
Authors: Irina Talevska
Keywords: cog theory, state of exception, governmentality, power, subject, concentration camp, personal responsibility
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Blaze Koneski Faculty of Philology
Journal: Годишен зборник, книга 45
Abstract: The paper examines the postwar concentration camp experience of the inmates in postwar Yugoslavia as represented in the novel The nine circles of Hell, by the Macedonian author Aleksandar Aleksiev. Through this novel, the paper aims at analyzing the Informbiro Period in Yugoslavia based on Hannah Arendt’s cog theory, Giorgio Agamben’s concept of state of exception as well as on Foucault’s concept of governmentality. The main objective of this analysis is to investigate the literary representation of the subject-power relation as well as the personal responsibility of men in the socio-political milieu
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/14345
ISSN: 1409-8571
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philology: Journal Articles

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