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Наслов: Претставувањето на другиот во филмот „Три дена во септември
Authors: Бужаровска, Румена
Keywords: мажествености, Другост, филм, раса, етничка припадност; masculinities, otherness, film, race, ethnicity
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Контекст
Source: • Бужаровска, Румена. (2020). Претставувањето на другиот во филмот „Три дена во септември Контекст 21: 77-85
Abstract: This paper focuses on the representations of the Other in the Macedonian film Three Days in September (2015). Its goal is to draw a parallel between the ways African-Americans have been portrayed in film and literature and the manner in which Albanians are depicted in this Macedonian film through the theoretical framework of black masculinities. The paper also refers to the two forms of Otherness that clash in this film – otherness as gender versus otherness as ethnic identity.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/12829
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philology: Journal Articles

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