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Наслов: Dental Hypersensitivity
Authors: Efka Zabokova-Bilbilova
Katerina Tosheska-Trajkovska 
Ana Sotirovska-Ivkovska
Tanja Stefanoska
Keywords: hypersensitivity
Issue Date: 2020
Source: Zabokova-Bilbilova E, Toshevska-Trajkovska K, Ivkovska A and Stefanoska T (2020) Dental Hypersensitivity. J Oral Hyg Health 9: 268
Journal: Journal of Oral Hygiene & Health
Abstract: Hypersensitivity to the teeth is a common phenomenon that occurs in certain conditions and is associated with the exposure of dentine. The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy of a paste containing 8% arginine and calcium carbonate in the treatment of dental hypersensitivity (Colgate®Sensitive Pro-RelifTM). The study included 30 subjects from both genders. The respondents are dental students and residents at the Faculty of Dentistry, Ss. “Cyril and Methodius” University in Skopje. During the study all respondents used the Colgate®Sensitive Pro-RelifTM paste and Slim Soft toothbrush. The concentration of calcium in the saliva is reduced after one month of treatment with the paste due to its absorption to the tooth surface and dentinal tubules. There is no significant difference in relation to the obtained values of the OHI-index before and after treatment among subjects with sensitive and insensitive teeth.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/12407
ISSN: 2332-0702
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medicine: Journal Articles

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