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Наслов: Position Specific Morphological Characteristics of Top-level Male Macedonian Handball Players
Authors: Gontarev Seryozha
Kalac, Ruzdija
Zivkovic, Vujica
Velickovska, Lence A.
Telai, Besnik
Keywords: Athletes. Anthropometry. Anthropometric Indices. Somatotype
Issue Date: 4-мај-2017
Publisher: Kamla Raj Enterprises
Journal: The Anthropologist
Abstract: The research was realized on a sample of 133 top handball senior players with the main objective toanalyze the anthropometric characteristics and somatotype components in terms of the position at whi ch they play in the team. Within the statistical analysis the basic descript ive parameters are being calcula ted and a univariate analysis of variance and post-hoc analysis are applied. A general mesomorphic athletic is obtained with obvious longitudinal dimensionality of the skeleton, even compared to the bone and muscle tissue and slightly higher values of fat and endomorphic component especially for goalkeepers and the pivot. The external lateral players and the goalkeepers are characterized by dominant pronounced longitudinal dimensionality, bone composition and voluminosity. The wing players have lower longitudinal dimensionality, while the central players are characterized with pronounced voluminosity and somewhat larger amounts of fat tissue.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/12095
DOI: 10.1080/09720073.2017.1311665
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Physical Education, Sport and Health: Journal Articles

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