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Наслов: (Bio)ethical Education for Young People in Macedonia
Authors: Donev, Dejan 
Keywords: ethical education; bioethical themes; young people; practical pedagogical activity; educational system
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Trivent Publishing, Budapest
Source: Donev D. (Bio)ethical Education for Young People in Macedonia. In: Ethics of Emerging Biotechnologies. Trivent Publishing. Budapest, 2018: 135-144
Conference: “Bioethics in the New Age of Science”, BNAS 2017 4-5 May, 2017 Arad, Romania “Vasile Goldis” West University of Arad
Abstract: Since 1998, a campaign has been going on for including ethical and bioethical education in Macedonia. After years of struggle with the Ministry and the Bureau of Education, this process is finally completed. Bioethical education was introduced as part of ethical education, as a practical pedagogical activity in different schools and on different educational levels - from kindergarten to master and doctoral studies. Furthermore, the method used for the ethical-bioethical education of young people proved to be very interactive and, at the same time, it discovered the route for the contemporary ethical education of the youngest children.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/1201
ISBN: 978-615-80996-0-8
ISSN: 2630-8185
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philosophy 03: Book chapters / Делови и поглавја од книги

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