Ве молиме користете го овој идентификатор да го цитирате или поврзете овој запис: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/11995
Наслов: Влијание на прекумерната телесна тежина врз антропометрискиот, биомоторичкиот и функционалниот простор кај ученичките од петтите одделенија во Скопје (магистерски труд)
Other Titles: Influence of overweight on anthropometric, biomotor and functional space in fifth grade students in Skopje (M.Sc. thesis)
Authors: Shukova Stojmanovska D.
Keywords: overweight, anthropometric, biomotor, functional space, manifest, latent space, T-test, ANOVA, MANOVA, discriminatory analysis, factor analysis, regression analysis.
Issue Date: 1996
Publisher: Faculty of physical education, sport and health
Abstract: The quantitative and structural influence of overweight on the manifest and latent anthropometric, biomotor and functional space, as well as the predictive influence of the latent anthropometric dimensions on the manifest and latent biomotor variables and the manifest and latent variables for estimating cardio-respiratiry function. First all students were divided into 11 groups according to their height, with a difference in height of up to 4 cm, and then for each group the average weight for the corresponding height was calculated separately. Then, from 1100 students from the fifth grade from 24 primary schools in Skopje, a total of 435 students were selected, which were divided into three groups. In the first group were students whose weight was 90 to 110% of the average weight for the appropriate height (students with normal body weight - H = 150), in the second group were students whose weight was 110 to 130% of the average weight for the appropriate height (students with first degree of obesity - H = 146) and in the third group were students whose weight was over 130% of the average weight for the appropriate height (students with second degree of obesity - H = 139). On such a stratified sample, we applied 15 anthropometric, 13 biomotor and 9 variables for estimating cardiorespiratory function. Within each group, as well as for the three groups together (H = 435), the latent structure in the three mentioned spaces was determined. Quantitative and structural intergroup differences in the manifest and latent space were determined with the help of univariate and multivariate analyzes (T-test, ANOVA, MANOVA and discriminatory analysis). In addition, the predictive influence of manifest and latent anthropometric variables on biomotor and cardiovascular capacity assessment variables was determined by regression analysis. With the help of factor analysis, the latent structure in the anthropometric, biomotor and functional space in all subgroups and in all students together was determined. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that among the three groups of students, there are statistical significant differenences in both manifest and latent variables.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/11995
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Physical Education, Sport and Health: PhD Theses

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