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Title: Различниот статус на телесната маса и нејзините импликации врз антропометрискиот, биомоторичкиот и функционалниот простор кај ученичките од вишите одделенија на основните училишта (VI-VIII) од Скопје (докторскиот труд)
Other Titles: The different status of body mass and its implications on the anthropometric, biomotor and functional space in the students from the higher grades of the primary schools from Skopje (PhD thesis)
Authors: Shukova Stojmanovska D.
Keywords: underweight, normal body mass, obese, schoolgirls, morphological, biomotor, functional space, BMI + 6 skin folds, ANOVA, MANOVA, discriminatory analysis, regressive analysis, factor analysis
Issue Date: 1999
Publisher: Faculty of physical education, sport and health
Project: The different value of body weight and its influence on the anthropometric, biomotor and functional characteristics and its connection with the deformities of the feet in students of both sexes (VI - VIII grade)
Abstract: The quantitative and structural influence of different body mass status on the manifest and latent anthropometric, biomotor and functional space, as well as the predictive influence of the manifest and latent anthropometric, biomotor and functional dimensions on the manifest and latent functional characteristics are investigated. For that purpose, we conducted a longitudinal survey of 900 students from VI, VII and VIII grades from 22 primary schools in Skopje. They were divided into three groups: malnourished, normal body weight and obese, with different numbers of entities in each subgroup and in each age separately. The division into three subgroups was made with the help of our BMI modification, to which we added the average value of 6 skin folds. We decided on this modification after factorization of 16 existing methods and indexes, which in the current practice are used for selection in relation to body weight. We applied 21 anthropometric, 13 biomotor and 9 functional variables (to estimate cardiorespiratory capacity) on this stratified sample. Within each of the three groups, the latent structure of the three mentioned areas was determined. Quantitative and structural intergroup differences in each age and for each sub-sample in the three ages were determined with the help of univariate and multivariate analyses (T-test, ANOVA, MANOVA discriminative analysis). In addition, the predictive influence of the manifest and latent anthropometric, biomotor and functional dimensions over manifest and latent biomotor and functional characteristics were determined by regression analysis. Based on the obtained results it can be concluded that between the three groups of students, in the three spaces and in the three different ages, there are a number of statistically significant quantitative and structural differences.
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Physical Education, Sport and Health: PhD Theses

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