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Наслов: Феноменот и значењето на менаџерството
Other Titles: The phenomenon and importance of management
Authors: Донев, Дејан 
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Правен факултет „Јустинијан I“, Скопје
Source: Донев Д. Феноменот и значењето на менаџерството. Во: Годишник на Правниот факултет „Јустинијан Први“ во чест на Кики Мангова Поњавиќ. Скопје, 2014: 519-532
Abstract: Exploring the phenomenon and the meaning of management, as well as the factors which explain and determine it, together with the emphasized meaning of management and managerial ethics - doesn’t only tell us which are and what are the managers and management. Simultaneously, it can be recognize why they are necessary on the way toward making new economy based on the precise organizational supposition and division of labor and the roles of it’s processes which will lead into ”new realities” - for which the most famous theoretician of contemporary management, Peter Drucker, speak so emphatic.
Опис: Годишник на Правниот факултет „Јустинијан Први„, Скопје, во чест на Кики Мангова Поњавиќ, Том 50
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/1195
ISSN: 0583-5062
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philosophy 05: Conference papers / Трудови од научни конференции

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