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Наслов: Potential Interactions between Invasive Fusarium circinatum and Other Pine Pathogens in Europe
Authors: Elvira-Recuenco, Margarita
Cacciola, Santa Olga
Sanz-Ros, Antonio V.
Garbelotto, Matteo
Aguayo, Jaime
Solla, Alejandro
Mullett, Martin
Drenkhan, Tiia
Oskay, Funda
Aday Kaya, Ayşe Gülden
Iturritxa, Eugenia
Cleary, Michelle
Witzell, Johanna
Georgieva, Margarita
Papazova-Anakieva, Irena
Chira, Danut
Paraschiv, Marius
Musolin, Dmitry L.
Selikhovkin, Andrey V.
Varentsova, Elena Yu.
Adamčíková, Katarina
Markovskaja, Svetlana
Mesanza, Nebai
Davydenko, Kateryna
Capretti, Paolo
Scanu, Bruno
Gonthier, Paolo
Tsopelas, Panaghiotis
Martín-García, Jorge
Morales-Rodríguez, Carmen
Lehtijärvi, Asko
Doğmuş Lehtijärvi, H. Tuğba
Oszako, Tomasz
Nowakowska, Justyna Anna
Bragança, Helena
Fernández-Fernández, Mercedes
Hantula, Jarkko
Díez, Julio J.
Keywords: pine pitch canker (PPC); forests; nurseries; microbiota; fungal interactions; pathogens
Issue Date: 18-дек-2019
Publisher: MDPI AG
Journal: Forests
Abstract: Pines are major components of native forests and plantations in Europe, where they have both economic significance and an important ecological role. Diseases of pines are mainly caused by fungal and oomycete pathogens, and can significantly reduce the survival, vigor, and yield of both individual trees and entire stands or plantations. Pine pitch canker (PPC), caused by Fusarium circinatum (Nirenberg and O’Donnell), is among the most devastating pine diseases in the world, and is an example of an emergent invasive disease in Europe. The effects of microbial interactions on plant health, as well as the possible roles plant microbiomes may have in disease expression, have been the focus of several recent studies. Here, we describe the possible effects of co-infection with pathogenic fungi and oomycetes with F. circinatum on the health of pine seedlings and mature plants, in an attempt to expand our understanding of the role that biotic interactions may play in the future of PPC disease in European nurseries and forests. The available information on pine pathogens that are able to co-occur with F. circinatum in Europe is here reviewed and interpreted to theoretically predict the effects of such co-occurrences on pine survival, growth, and yield. Beside the awareness that F. circinatum may co-occurr on pines with other pathogens, an additional outcome from this review is an updating of the literature, including the so-called grey literature, to document the geographical distribution of the relevant pathogens and to facilitate differential diagnoses, particularly in nurseries, where some of them may cause symptoms similar to those induced by F. circinatum. An early and accurate diagnosis of F. circinatum, a pathogen that has been recently introduced and that is currently regulated in Europe, is essential to prevent its introduction and spread in plantings and forests.</jats:p>
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/11629
DOI: 10.3390/f11010007
Appears in Collections:Hans Em Faculty of Forest Sciences, Landscape Architecture and Environmental Engineering: Journal Articles

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