Ве молиме користете го овој идентификатор да го цитирате или поврзете овој запис: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/11515
Authors: Breshkovska, Hristina 
Gjorgjeska Andrijana
Margarita Peneva 
Suzana Nikolovska 
Silvija Duma 
Aleksandar Petlichkovski 
Trajkova Vanja
Lidija Todorovska 
Keywords: hyperbaric oxygen therapy
chronic wounds
Martorell’s ulcer
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Македонско лекарско друштво = Macedonian Medical Association
Journal: Македонски медицински преглед = Macedonian Medical Review
Abstract: In the last sixty years, as a result of numerous researches and studies, the approach in the treatment of wounds has significantly changed, which has contributed to greater efficiency of the treatment. Acute wounds by definition are those wounds that heal without complications in the estimated time period, when the structural and functional integrity of the skin is restored. Chronic woundsdo not follow a normal trajectory of healing, and no complete functional and structural integrity of the skin is achieved. Chronic wounds usually take monts to heal, leading to disruption in patients, lives and risk of amputations. They are afinancial burden for the health systems. Martorell’s ulcer is an ischemic and very painful lesion of lower limbs, associated with poorly controlled hypertension. It is located in the distal third of the lower limbs. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has a significant place in the therapeutic approach in addition to the conventional one. Treatment involves breathing 100% oxygen at the pressure higher than the atmospheric pressure in order to provide better oxygenation of the tissues and to enhance the wound healing processes. The aim of the study wasto evaluate the effect of 100% oxygen under pressure applied as an adjuvant treatment in a patient with Martorell’s ulcer of the lower limb. In this report, we present a patient with painful ulcers of the distal part of the lower limb and poorly controlled systemic arterial hypertension treated withadjuvant hyperbaric oxygen therapy. The results of the investigations and the local and systemic therapy are shown in details. The treatment improved and accelerated the process of granulation and epithelialization, and provided absence of a wound infection. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy as an adjuvant treatment is effective in accelerating the wound healing processes.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/11515
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medicine: Journal Articles

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