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Title: Relation between quality of life, choice making, and future expectations in adults with intellectual disability
Other Titles: Зависноста меѓу квалитетот на животот, можностите за правење избор и очекувањата за иднината кај возрасните лица со интелектуална попреченост
Authors: Kostikj Ivanovikj, Vesna
Chichevska Jovanova, Natasha 
Keywords: adults with intellectual disability, quality of life, choice making, future expectations, self-assessment, assessment by others.
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje
Source: Kostikj Ivanovikj V., Chichevska-Jovanova N. (2016). Relation between quality of life, choice making, and future expectations in adults with intellectual disability. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation. 17(3-4): 29-45.
Journal: Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation
Abstract: Introduction: Quality of life of individuals depends significantly on the ability to have control over everyday life, realized through the freedom to make choices from available options and self-determination. Objective: To determine the correlation between possibilities for making choices and expectations for the future with the quality of life in adults with intellectual disabilities according self-assessment and assessment by others. Methods: Descriptive, method of correlation and comparative analysis ware applied. From techniques, analysis of documents, surveys with the Quality of life questionnaire by Schalock and Keith and Questionnaire for expectations for the future by Speck, and scaling with the Scale for assessment of the opportunities for making choices by Kishi et al. Sample consisted of 130 intellectually disabled adults and 130 proxies. For establishing connection between the examined phenomena Pearson correlation coefficient (r) was used, at p<0,01. Results: There is a strong correlation between the results obtained from the questionnaires about quality of life and opportunities for making choices, self-assessment r(130)=0,497, p<0,01, assessment by others r(130)=0,482, p<0,01. There is a correlation between the results obtained from the questionnaires about quality of life and expectations for the future, but not very strong, self-assessment r(130)=0,233, p=0,008<0,01, assessment by others r(130)=0,305, p<0,01. Conclusion: There is a correlation between opportunities for making choices and expectations for the future with the quality of life in adults with intellectual disabilities. To improve the quality of life in these individuals, it is necessary to design programs that will develop self-concept, abilities for self-determination and making personal choices.
DOI: 10.19057/jser.2016.8
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philosophy 04: Journal Articles / Статии во научни списанија

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