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Наслов: Two Pregnancies with a Different Outcome in a Patient with Alport Syndrome
Authors: Biljana Gerasimovska Kitanovska 
Vesna Gerasimovska 
Livrinova, Vesna 
Keywords: Alport syndrome
chronic kidney disease
Issue Date: 15-сеп-2016
Publisher: Scientific Foundation Spiroski
Journal: Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 
Abstract: BACKGROUND: Alport syndrome is a genetic disease that progresses to chronic kidney failure, with X-linked, autosomal dominant or autosomal recessive type of inheritance. Women are generally carriers of the mutation and have a milder form of the disease. During pregnancy, they have an increased risk of impaired kidney function and preeclampsia. CASE PRESENTATION: A 27-year old woman, gravida 1, para 0, in her 23rd gestational week came to the outpatient unit of the University Clinic of Nephrology for the first time because of slowly progressing proteinuria and Alport syndrome. She was admitted to the gynaecological ward in her 29th gw for proteinuria which increased from 3.8 g/day up to 20 g/day and the serum creatinine increased to 120- 150 micromol/l. She was delivered in the 30th gestational week due to obstetrical indications with a cesarian section and delivered a baby with a birth weight of 880 g. After delivery, proteinuria decreased to 2 g/d within 2 months and an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI) was started. Her second pregnancy, after 2 years, had an uneventful course and she delivered a healthy baby weighing 3000 g in the 39th week. Six months after the second delivery, her renal function remained normal and her proteinuria was 2 g/d. CONCLUSIONS: Pre-pregnancy counselling and frequent controls during pregnancy are necessary for women with Alport syndrome, as well as regular monitoring after delivery. Recent reports are more in favour of good pregnancy and nephrological outcomes in women with Alport syndrome when renal disease is not advanced.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/9858
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3889/oamjms.2016.073
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medicine: Journal Articles

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