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Title: New Media and Changes in Communication Types
Authors: Drakulovska Chukaleska, Marija 
Dragovikj, Anica 
Stojanoska Ivanova, Tatjana 
Keywords: changes, new technology, new media, types of communication, network society
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Faculty of Law, Goce Delchev University in Shtip
Source: Drakulovska, Cukalevska, Marija, Dragović, Anica, Stojanoska Ivanova Tatjana. 2018. “New Media and Changes in Communication Types”. In Proceedings from 5 th International scientific conference: Social Change in the Global World. Shtip, pp.991- 998
Conference: 5th International Scientific Conference "Social Changes in the Global World"
Abstract: From the early social thinkers we find a systematic change in thinking from pure existence in the physical world to interpreting the imagined communities that we create due to our thinking process. Today, we are faced with emphasized changes of the types of mediums on the base of way of communication. Studying these changes in the sphere of media and communication in a given social context, starts from two bases, mutually connected assumptions. First, this studying presents existence and appearance of a new technology and new media, which brings to changes of the communicative types, within, this change is connected with certain type of economy, more precisely with a question of globalization, understood in one wider sense. Second, the contents of the media system are put into question, and from this and the dominant model of communication practice. Among sociologists of communication there exists a consensus that new mediums have given changes in relation of interpersonal, group and mass communication. In lack of regulation of contents, new media bring to minimize the function for keeping the gate in media. Actually, it is supposed that displaying of the individuals to new media, to a new virtual web context, and new models of communication, in some period of a few generations, will bring to disappearance of communication face to face. Network communication with hundreds and thousands friends of social media, brings the individuals to drastically alienation from a real world. On that way, social media and network society, function as iron cage according the Weber’s conception for society. Going into all areas of a social life this new kind of communication, with its comprising activity, weakens an interpersonal communication and has influence on the human nature.
ISBN: 978-608-244-548-9
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philosophy 05: Conference papers / Трудови од научни конференции

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