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Title: How to select appropriate statistical test in scientific articles
Other Titles: Како да се одбере најсоодветниост статистички тест во научните трудови
Authors: Trajkovski, Vladimir 
Keywords: statistical test selection, statistics, scientific article, statistical software
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Faculty of Philosophy, UKIM, Skopje, Macedonia
Source: Trajkovski V. How to select appropriate statistical test in scientific articles. Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation 2016; 17(3-4): 5-28.
Journal: Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation
Abstract: Statistics is mathematical science dealing with the collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of masses of numerical data in order to draw relevant conclusions. Statistics is a form of mathematical analysis that uses quantified models, representations and synopses for a given set of experimental data or real-life studies. The students and young researchers in biomedical sciences and in special education and rehabilitation often declare that they have chosen to enroll that study program because they have lack of knowledge or interest in mathematics. This is a sad statement, but there is much truth in it. The aim of this editorial is to help young researchers to select statistics or statistical techniques and statistical software appropriate for the purposes and conditions of a particular analysis. The most important statistical tests are reviewed in the article. Knowing how to choose right statistical test is an important asset and decision in the research data processing and in the writing of scientific papers. Young researchers and authors should know how to choose and how to use statistical methods. The competent researcher will need knowledge in statistical procedures. That might include an introductory statistics course, and it most certainly includes using a good statistics textbook. For this purpose, there is need to return of Statistics mandatory subject in the curriculum of the Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation at Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje. Young researchers have a need of additional courses in statistics. They need to train themselves to use statistical software on appropriate way.
DOI: 10.19057/jser.2016.7
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philosophy 04: Journal Articles / Статии во научни списанија

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