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Title: Factors That Influence Surgical Margin State in Patients Undergoing Cold Knife Conization - A Single Center Experience
Authors: Aluloski, Igor 
Tanturovski, Mile 
Petrushevska, Gordana 
Jovanovic, Rubens 
Kostadinova-Kunovska, Slavica 
Keywords: cold knife conization
residual disease
surgical margin
Issue Date: 1-Dec-2017
Publisher: Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts / Walter de Gruyter GmbH
Journal: Prilozi (Makedonska akademija na naukite i umetnostite. Oddelenie za medicinski nauki) 
Abstract: To evaluate the factors that influence the surgical margin state in patients undergoing cold knife conization at the University Clinic of Gynecology and Obstetrics in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia Materials and methods: We have retrospectively analyzed the medical records of all patients that underwent a cold knife conization at our Clinic in 2015. We cross-referenced the surgical margin state with the histopathological diagnosis (LSIL, HSIL or micro-invasive/invasive cancer), menopausal status of the patients, number of pregnancies, surgeon experience, operating time and cone depth. The data was analyzed with the Chi square test, Fisher's exact test for categorical data and Student's T test for continuous data and univariate and multivariate logistical regressions were performed.
ISSN: 1857-9345
DOI: 10.2478/prilozi-2018-0012
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medicine: Journal Articles

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