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Наслов: The Imperative of Truth in Kosta Racin's "White Dawns"
Authors: Trajce Stameski
Keywords: Kosta Racin, poetry, truth, social justice, collective memory
Issue Date: мај-2019
Publisher: VERMILION International Journal of Literature and Art (CEEOL)
Journal: VERMILION International Journal of Literature and Art (CEEOL)
Series/Report no.: ISSN: 2545-4277;VERMILION JOURNAL 3.1(2019)
Abstract: This text analyzes the significance of the poetry collection White Dawns of Kosta Solev Racin from the aspect of the concept of truth, as it is defined by the famous Russian philosopher Pavel Florenski. The text also covers issues of social justice, social inequality, and the effects of Racin's socially engaged songs.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/7197
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philology: Journal Articles

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