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Title: Авлоси (au–ro? – auloi) во Микенскиот свет
Other Titles: Auloi [au-ro - auloi] in the Mycenaean World?
Authors: Дуев, Ратко 
Issue Date: 2003
Publisher: Živa Antika & The Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje
Source: Дуев, Р. (2003). „Авлоси (au–ro? – auloi) во Микенскиот свет?“, Жива Антика 53, стр. 137–141.
Journal: Živa Antika / Antiquité Vivante
Abstract: The practice of playing auloi was universal in the Eastern Mediterranean. In Aegean region we can see their appearance in a figurine from the Cycladic island of Keros from the middle part of the third millennium and in a sacrificial scene on the Hagia Triada sarcophagus from Minoan period. Unusual, there is no appearance in Mycenaean period. The earliest evidence dates from the end of the eighth century BC. In the Homeric poems the instrument is mentioned only twice in places of the Iliad, which are generally agreed to be additions from later rhapsodes. The word aulos is attested on KN Sd 4402.a. as au-ro in its basic meaning ‘tube’ or ‘duct.’ The fact that there is no evidence in the Aegean Region is due to the fact that: auloi are made of organic materials such as wood and lacking in dignity. The absence of figure depiction is most likely due to the fact that the auloi were not respected in upper class circles or among clergy, but it was present among the lower walks of life.
ISSN: 0514-7727
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philosophy 04: Journal Articles / Статии во научни списанија

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