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Title: *tu-qa-no? – tympanon
Authors: Duev, Ratko 
Issue Date: 2002
Publisher: Živa Antika & The Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje
Source: Duev, R. (2002). *tu-qa-no? – tympanon. Živa Antika 52,137-141.
Journal: Živa Antika / Antiquité Vivante
Abstract: Tu-qa-ni-jo-so is a sufficient proof that the tympanon existed in the Mycenaean music? It was proved that it existed in the Eastern Mediterranean, it has been mentioned in the Old Testament in the oldest texts, it is especially associated with King David who reigned at the same time when the Mycenaean civilization in the Aegean region collapsed. The Old Testament evidence show that the tympanons used to be a part of an instrumental band made up of many instruments. A characteristic of these instruments is that they are always mentioned as being together with the cymbals, as used to be the case in the classical period in Greece. Music cannot exist without percussion instruments, especial not without the drum, which can be seen in the Old Testament texts. The fact that there is no evidence in the Aegean Region is due to the fact that tympanon is made of organic materials such as skin and wood. The absence of figure depiction is most likely due to the fact that the tympanon was not respected in upper class circles or among clergy, but it was present among the lower walks of life, this being suggested by the personal name of the shepherd – Tu-qa-ni-jo-so.
ISSN: 0514-7727
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philosophy 04: Journal Articles / Статии во научни списанија

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