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Наслов: Attitudes and beliefs of Eastern European consumers towards piglet castration and meat from castrated pigs
Authors: Tomasevic, Igor
Bahelka, Ivan
Čandek-Potokar, Marjeta
Čítek, Jaroslav
Djekić, Ilija
Djurkin Kušec, Ivona
Getya, Andriy
Guerrero, Luis
Iordăchescu, Gabriela
Ivanova, Sonya
Nakov, Dimitar 
Sołowiej, Bartosz G.
Szabó, Csaba
Tudoreanu, Liliana
Weiler, Ulrike
Font-i-Furnols, Maria
Keywords: Immunocastration, Boar taint, Animal welfare
Issue Date: фев-2020
Publisher: Elsevier BV
Journal: Meat Science
Abstract: Castration of male piglets is a common practice to avoid boar taint but is being questioned. The present work has an exploratory character and aims to investigate the beliefs and attitudes of Eastern European consumers regarding boar taint, surgical castration immunocastration and perception of meat from castrated pigs and to find out possible segments of consumers regarding these attitudes and beliefs. For this purpose, a consumer study was carried out involving 5508 consumers from 13 Eastern European countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, North Macedonia, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine). The questionnaire included statements related to beliefs about castration and perception of meat from castrated pigs, attitudes towards meat from castrated pigs. Results show that in general beliefs and attitudes of the consumers are not defined, probably because of the lack of knowledge (information was not provided to the consumers) towards these issues. Three different clusters of consumers were obtained with different beliefs towards castration.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/6643
DOI: 10.1016/j.meatsci.2019.107965
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food: Journal Articles

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