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Title: Системот на поделбата на природата во филозофијата на Џон (Скот) Ериугена
Authors: Тодоровска, Марија 
Keywords: Eriugena, Nature, mode(s), Primordial Causes, theophany
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Филозофско друштво на Македонија
Source: Тодоровска, М., „Системот на поделбата на природата во филозофијата на Џон (Скот) Ериугена“, Филозофска трибина 42, бр. 25, пролет 2019, 113-135.
Journal: Филозофска трибина
Abstract: The text briefly sketches the basic divisions and concepts employed in John (Scott) Eriugena’s work On the Division of Nature. The four divisions (or species) of nature and the five modes of interpretation of being and non-being, which are the basis of his ontological system, are explained through the major key points about their characteristics, functioning, hierarchy, and interplay. The concept of God as superessential and thus, ineffable, is not explored, in favour of an exposition of the concept of his theophanies – the Primordial Causes and the created creatures as their effects. The division as self-manifestation, and the self-manifestation as creation are shown through God’s creation of himself in the Primordial Causes as first-order theophanies. The created creatures as second-order theophanies are shown as exteriorizations of the superexistent nature of God, as manifestations of that which is hidden and otherwise incomprehensible.
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philosophy 04: Journal Articles / Статии во научни списанија

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