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Title: | Високото балетско образование како основа за квалитетна уметничка продукција | Authors: | Здравкова-Џепароска Соња | Keywords: | Education, dance, strategy, higher education | Issue Date: | Nov-2015 | Publisher: | Факултет за музичка уметност, Факултет за драмски уметности, Универзитет „Св. Кирил и Методиј“ - Скопје | Journal: | Ars Academica | Series/Report no.: | 1857-9477;UDK 398:792.82(497.7) | Abstract: | High education in Macedonia despite the high level of professional ballet ensemble, and also top achievements in primary and secondary ballet education was not founded until 2010. This text is tasked to scan the situation, the development of the educational segment, as well as the conditions which were crucial for launching the programs of ballet pedagogy at the Faculty of Music Art. Although relatively late, this educational program which primarily has the task of producing highly professional staff, already with the first generation proved to possess knowledge and skills appropriate to the highest Western standards. It is proved by the spectrum of activities of graduates in relation not only with the activities in Macedonia, but as part of the art-projects and education of the European Union. | URI: | | DOI: | ISSN |
Appears in Collections: | Faculty of Music: Journal Articles |
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