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Title: How to Choose Your Next Top Salesperson: Multiple-Criteria Approach
Authors: Cvetkoska, Violeta 
Iliev, Filip
Keywords: sale, sales managers, salesperson, multiple-criteria approach, AHP
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: IRENET, Society for Advancing Innovation and Research in Economy
Source: Cvetkoska, V., and Iliev, F. (2017). How to Choose Your Next Top Salesperson: Multiple-Criteria Approach. Business Systems Research, 8(1) pp. 92-112.
Conference: ENTRENOVA 2016
Abstract: Background: Choosing the most suitable candidate for the position of salesperson is indeed a complex task for managers because several criteria important for the position should be taken into consideration. Such a choice should be considered as a multiple-criteria problem, which can be solved by using the AHP method. Objectives: The main goal is to investigate which criteria are the most important for the managers in the process of selecting a candidate for the position of salesperson, and on that basis to develop an AHP model for ranking of applicant candidates for this position. Methods/Approach: A questionnaire was created, which was sent to 100 sales managers in companies of different industries in Macedonia, in order to grade the importance of the given criteria. Out of the criteria graded, nine that have the highest average grade of importance comprise one of the levels of the AHP model. Results: An average grade of importance for the criteria for choosing a candidate for the position of salesperson is gained, and an AHP model is developed. Conclusions: The developed AHP model is illustrated through a hypothetical example, and its solution serves as a recommendation for who is the best candidate.
DOI: DOI: 10.1515/bsrj-2017-0008
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Economics 03: Journal Articles / Статии во научни списанија

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