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Наслов: Perceptual Congruence between Business and IT Professionals on Operational Level
Authors: Levkov, Nikola 
Keywords: social alignment, perceptual congruence, agreement, understanding.
Issue Date: мај-2015
Publisher: International Business Information Management Association
Conference: Innovation Vision 2020: from Regional Development Sustainability to Global Economic Growth
Abstract: The article explores social relations between business and IT professionals on operational level by employing the perceptual congruence model in the analysis. For the research purpose of this study data have been collected by on line survey of business and IT specialists who are working as partners on operational level in banking and telecommunication industry. The dyadic relation between business and IT specialists has been analyzed on 74 usable questioners or 37 pairs by pairwise comparison between means using paired one tailed t-test. The results were twofold: first they confirmed the existence of " false consensus effect " between business and IT specialists and second they showed that business professionals seek to understand their IT partner in process of collaboration on operational level.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/3532
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Economics 03: Journal Articles / Статии во научни списанија

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