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Наслов: Пролетните празнични обичаи од село Истибања, Виничко
Other Titles: Spring festive customs from the village of Istibanja, Vinica region
Authors: Димитријевски, Александар
Keywords: Macedonian music folklore, spring festive customs
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Асоциация за антропология, етнология и фолклористика „Онгъл“
Journal: Годишник на Асоциация за антропология, етнология и фолклористика »Онгъл«, том 21, год. 15, 2022 / Yearbook of »Ongal« Association for Anthropology, Ethnology and Folklore Studies, vol. 21, year 15, 2022
Conference: Международен научен симпозиум „ФОЛКЛОР И РЕЛИГИЯ: ЕЗИК – ТЕКСТ – КОНТЕКСТ“, Самоков, 1- 3 октомври 2021
Abstract: Only a fragment from the complex and vast Macedonian music folklore will be presented in this paper thru the example of the village Istibanja, Vinica region in which very strong bond with the tradition and active performance of the customs during one year still exists. The focus of the paper will be on the customs of the spring cycle in which intermingling of the spiritual and profane segments shows unique example of amalgam between pagan, orthodox Christian and local traditional beliefs and customs. Special attention will be dedicated to the meaning of the music segment from the festivities and during the performance of the customs.
Опис: Петнадесети Цар- Шишманови дни в Самоков на Асоциация за антропология, етнология и фолклористика „Онгъл“
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/28668
ISSN: 1311-493X
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Music: Journal Articles

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