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Title: Influence of the type of reinforcement on the behavior of FRP materials at indoor and elevated temperatures
Authors: Trombeva Gavriloska, Ana 
Cvetkovska, Meri 
Lazarevska, Marijana 
Keywords: composite materials, mechanical characteristics, experiments, temperature
Issue Date: Nov-2015
Publisher: Fakultet tehnickih nauka, Novi Sad
Abstract: Increasing interest about composite materials and their use in the field of civil engineering offers possibility for development of new innovative materials, which will be used as constructive elements. the concept of the composite materials itself, offers possibility of effective exploitation of mechanical characteristics of the separate components till their limit, even in the design process. Mechanical characteristics of each composite material depend on its components. In this paper experiments of different series composite materials differed by the type of used reinforcement are presented. Experimentally observed mechanical characteristics of different types of composite materials are discussed in dependence on used reinforcement at indoor and elevated temperature.
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Civil Engineering: Conference papers

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