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Title: Светото време како kairos преку теоријата на Мирча Елијаде за светоста на митот
Other Titles: Sacred Time as Kairos through Mircea Eliade’s Theory of the Sacredness of Myth
Authors: Тодоровска, Марија 
Keywords: sacred, time, kairos, Eliade, myth, year
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Филозофско друштво на Македонија & ЗКФМ Антика
Source: Тодоровска, М., „Светото време како kairos преку теоријата на Мирча Елијаде за светоста на митот“, Chronos и Kairos − Античките концепти за времето, Зборник на текстови од симпозиумот одржан на 25 февруари 2015 година во организација на Филозофското друштво на Македонија и Здружението на класични филолози „Антика“, Филозофско друштво на Македонија-Здружението на класични филолози „Антика“, Скопје, 2017, 17-30.
Conference: Chronos и Kairos − Античките концепти за времето
Abstract: The ordinary and measurable passing of time in the sense of duration (chronos) and the propitious and meaningful time of “ripe” circumstances (kairos) are briefly examined as profane time and sacred (liturgical) time. In this paper, a glance of Tillich’s understanding of kairos for the incarnation of Jesus is presented. Eliade’s theory identifies myth as a sacred tale about the beginning of the world, of “that time” (when time began), and as a story which, being ontologically superior to the profane reality, has the performative power to invoke the initial sacredness of being. This is shown through his stances on the understanding of time and non-history by religious men, especially in archaic cultures. The concepts of time-reparation during the end-of-the-year religious actions and the cyclical restoration of being by reactualisation of the original sacredness are briefly examined as instances of creation and recognition of kairos. Man’s desire for perfection, the longing for the past and future ideal condition, the utopian dream and the desire for annihilation of time altogether are also shown as major motifs in Eliade’s theory of the sacred.
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philosophy 05: Conference papers / Трудови од научни конференции

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