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Title: Заинтересирано (не)допаѓање – емотивизам и биоетички проблеми
Other Titles: Interested (dis)like: emotivism and problems of bioethics
Authors: Тодоровска, Марија 
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Филозофски факултет, Скопје
Source: Toдоровска, М., „Заинтересирано (не)допаѓање – емотивизам и биоетички проблеми“, Наумоска Ј., Марија Тодоровска, прир., Аналитичка и/или континентална филозофија, Зборник на трудови, Филозофски факултет, Скопје, 2013, 74-88.
Conference: Филозофијата на крстопат: аналитичка и/или континентална филозофија
Abstract: According to emotivism, developed under the influence of the progress of analytic philosophy, expressing statements with ethical content does not constitute sensible expression of verifiable propositions, but of emotional attitudes and beliefs. “The Yuck Factor”, as part of the idea of an inherent “wisdom of repugnance” is a category affirming that the deep-seeded conviction in the repulsion of an action (or act/event/situation/being) can function as an argument against its axiological (non)plausibility, which, in the current bioethical debates is not only problematic, but also potentially dangerous. The basic notions of few of the variants of emotivism are briefly outlined; a few problems emerging with the use of the “yuck factor” as a criterion for evaluation of the permissibility of certain lines of progress in technology and science are mentioned; and the question about the extent to which bioethics has performative power of conviction through the emotional strength of unproven (“given”) attitudes is posed.
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philosophy 05: Conference papers / Трудови од научни конференции

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