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Наслов: Is De Facto Partnership a Threat to Marriage? A Case Study from Macedonia
Authors: Radulovikj, Makedonka 
Avirovikj Bundalevska, Irena 
Keywords: cohabitation, marriage, divorce, Macedonia.
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: European Center for Science Education and Research
Source: Radulovic, M. & Avirovic, I. (2016). Is De Facto Partnership a Threat to Marriage? A Case Study from Macedonia. European Journal for Social Sciences Education and Research.
Journal: European Journal for Social Sciences Education and Research (EJSER)
Conference: 9th International Conference on Social Sciences-Dubrovnik
Abstract: The subject of this work is to examine whether the increased number of de facto partnerships could jeopardize the future of the marital institution in the Republic of Macedonia. The paper will provide existing statistical data on the number of marriages, divorces, and de facto partnerships in the country. Furthermore, it will analyze possible factors which have influenced the increased number of extra-marital communities in Macedonia. For the purposes of this paper we conducted a quantitative research with a sample of 120 respondents aged 18 to 22 years. The questionnaire was outlined to measure the perceptions of young people on marriage and cohabitation. In conclusion, the results from the respondents’ answers were used as an inclusive consideration for future projections and possible major projects.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/1823
ISSN: 2411-9563
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philosophy 04: Journal Articles / Статии во научни списанија

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