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Title: Одржувањето на светото во современиот свет
Authors: Тодоровска, Марија 
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Филозофско друштво на Македонија
Source: Тодоровска, М., „Одржувањето на светото во современиот свет“, Филозофска трибина, 37 (15), пролет 2014, 77-100.
Journal: Филозофска трибина
Abstract: In this essay the need for self-determination in the modern, desacralised world is briefly outlined, and the difference of beliefs between the past forms of religion and the contemporary ones detected. The sacred is examined as ontologically and axiologically superior to the profane in the primordial religions and in the subsequent religious experiences and systems, and as a performative power capable of affirming human being’s position in the world. The decline of the sacred with the passing of time is also discussed, along with the forms of transformation rendering it feebler or at times slightly forlorn, but generally strong and present in the world nevertheless. The ludic aspects of the sacred are analysed, comparing homo religiosus to homo ludens, especially today, where options and choices are easily available, but also overwhelming. Various modalities of “survival” of the sacred are accounted for (myths turning into allegories, rituals turning into repetitive profane activities or public performances). The contemporary ways of reaching the feeling of the sacred are examined (feelings of awe, fear and joy etc.), in an attempt to show that albeit declined, the sacred still perseveres, transformed, but never forsaken.
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philosophy 04: Journal Articles / Статии во научни списанија

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