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Title: Етичките проблеми на современото општество и начинот на досегање на неговата безбедност
Other Titles: The ethical problems of the modern society and the method of reaching its security
Authors: Донев, Дејан 
Keywords: современо општество, безбедност, етика, универзална етика
Issue Date: 2005
Publisher: Conrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
Source: Донев Д. Етичките проблеми на современото општество и начинот на досегање на неговата бзбедност. Политичка мисла. Скопје, 2005; 12: 85-87
Journal: Политичка мисла
Abstract: Today in all fields we have a big development, specially technical and technological. But in the same time, this era have very complex problems of human existence which needs an urgent resolving. One of these serious problems is moral crisis. The moral is an important part of each human living, on every civilization. The modern human becomes more and more consciousness that he can destroy the world - the boat for all, the common home of the people. That’s why if we want to construct a vision for desirable future society (world of living), we have to look back in the past and to learn from our history. We must take a part; participate in the development of the moral renaissance according with the spirit and trend of our time. The new vision is about the global, common society, a new kind of human society which can be called "Oughtopia". It is a desirable society which must be good and functional for mankind. In this kind of surrounding will be promoted and followed a different values, learned from the past, another kind of values that are the key for the future. In this kind of society, the fear and need for keeping the own national borders, the imperative of protection on the neighbors and the others borders in the world, will not “hang” over our heads. It is about the logic in a world whose consciousness for the need and of mutual existence and peaceful human behavior is the aim of the future presence of mankind and life on Earth. The conclusion is: better relation of friendship, respect, cooperation, solidarity, partnership…, the associated mankind may response to the manifested problems and challenges that future brings to us. In these conditions, the so much wanted national and consequently world security may be achieved.
ISSN: 1409-9853
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philosophy 04: Journal Articles / Статии во научни списанија

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