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Title: The Study of Things Military in the Republic of Macedonia (1991–2015): Flying in Place
Authors: Vankovska, Biljana 
Kirkova, Rina 
Keywords: Macedonia, national security, things military, research
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Informa UK Limited
Source: Vankovska B. and Kirkova R., "The Study of Things Military in the Republic of Macedonia (1991–2015): Flying in Place", Journal of Slavic Military Studies, (30) 3, 2017.
Journal: The Journal of Slavic Military Studies
Abstract: In this study ‘things military’ refers to political, social, and cultural concerns related to (and derived from) the military and national security policy. The research scope is limited to the disciplines that are believed to have— albeit weak—basis in the country’s academic traditions. We argue that social study of things military is marked by parochialism and ‘intellectual autism’. Macedonia’s main incongruity — being a NATO candidate country and an object of international state-building — inevitably reflects on its academic community’s inability to sustain any critical reflection on things military both internally and internationally.
DOI: 10.1080/13518046.2017.1341770
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philosophy 04: Journal Articles / Статии во научни списанија

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