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dc.contributor.authorJordanoska, Trenaen_US
dc.identifier.isbn978-86-85239-66-3 (САНУ)-
dc.description.abstractMetafizička statičnost našeg poimanja realnosti dovodi do privida da sve oko nas stoji. U istom smislu stoji i muzika, stoje i mediji, stoji i njihov doživljaj različitih generacija. Nasuprot prividu je realnost, koja doktrinarno menja naš univerzum okruženja i to za vremenske periode koji su mnogo manji nego raniji, mereni decenijama i vekovima. Istraživanje digitalnih medija i tinejdžerske muzičke kulture, koje smo sproveli u Skoplju u 2009. godini, i istraživanje socijalnih mreža i muzičke kulture mladih, isto u Skoplju, u 2015. godini, daju uvid u dinamiku promena kod ove noseće populacije budućnosti. Zato smo uporedili rezultate onih komponenti koje spajaju medije i muziku sa ovom starosnom grupom. I pored veoma malog vremenskog razmaka, naši rezultati pokazuju značajni pomak u posedovanju laptopa, pametnih telefona, uvođenja hibridnih tableta, korišćenju interneta i socijalnih mreža u komunikaciji sa muzikom. / Metaphysical nature of our understanding of the reality creates an illusion that everything around us is changeless. Hence, it seems that both music and media are static, as well as their experience among different age groups. Contrary to this perception is the reality where doctrinal environmental changes happen in time periods much shorter than the previous ones, that were measured in decades or even centuries. Two researches, one on digital media and teenage music culture, and the other on social networks and youth music culture, conducted in Skopje in 2009, and 2015, provide an insight into the dynamics of changes in this vital population group for the future culture. Therefore, we compared the variables from these researches that connect media and music with this age group. Despite the short time span, the results show a significant shift in possession of laptops, smartphones, tablets, and the Internet and social networks communication with music.en_US
dc.publisherНиш: САНУ, Огранак САНУ у Нишу, Универзитет у Нишу, Факултет уметности у Нишуen_US
dc.subjectdigital media, digital generation, social networks, musicen_US
dc.titleDinamika promena: tinejdžeri – muzika – medijien_US
dc.title.alternativeDynamics of changes: teenagers – music – mediaen_US
dc.typeBook chapteren_US
dc.relation.conferenceТрадиционална естетска култура Х: Медији, 6.11en_US
item.fulltextNo Fulltext-
item.grantfulltextnone- of Music-
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Music: Conference papers
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