Browsing "Faculty of Economics" by Subject
Showing results 1109 to 1128 of 1267
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- valie chains 1
- Value-at-Risk; GARCH models; forecasting volatility; financial crisis; Macedonia 1
- VECM 1
- vector autoregression 1
- Vector Error Correction Model 1
- Virtual influencer, Interethnic intolerance, Parasocial relations, Intergroup contact 1
- volatility, EWMA, GARCH model, IGARCH model, stock market 1
- voluntary turnover, employee retention, IT sector, human resource management, Delphi method 1
- vrednost pri rizik (VaR), indeksirano portfolio, istoriski VaR, parametarski VaR, prinos na portfolio, standardna devijacija, nivo na doverba 1
- wage-led growth 1
- wages inequality, Gini index, Lorenz curve, Macedonia 1
- Waste management 1
- waste management 1
- welfare 1
- Western Balkan 1
- Western Balkan (WB) countries 1
- Western Balkan Countries, convergence, labour market, European Union, Hysteresis 1
- Western Balkans 3
- Western Balkans Countries 1
- Western Balkans countries 1