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Title: Улогата и влијанието на интерперсоналните медиуми врз општествените активности и друштвените односи. [The role and impact of interpersonal media on social activities and relations]
Authors: Беќар Мира
Keywords: interpersonal media, Internet, social networks, technological determinism, globalization, social relations
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Филолошки факултет ,,Блаже Конески“
Source: Беќар, М. (2016). Улогата и влијанието на интерперсоналните медиуми врз општествените активности и друштвените односи. [The role and impact of interpersonal media on social activities and relations]. Годишен зборник на трудови на Филолошкиот факултет ,,Блаже Конески“, 41-42 [Annual collected works at the Faculty of Philology 41-42], (2016), Скопје: Филолошки факултет ,,Блаже Конески“.
Abstract: Interpersonal media differ from traditional media in their specific features such as speed of information transfer and availability. Spatial and geographic dimensions are non-existent on the Internet and communication over mobile phones facilitates fast life styles. This paper relates the development of the new interpersonal media with technological determinism and provides an overview of the history of phone and the Internet. Additionally, it discusses the role and the impact of those technologies on interpersonal social relations, as well as their interaction with various social factors. By presenting various interdisciplinary research which addresses the impact of interpersonal media and social networks on our social relations and life activities, I try to emphasize the importance of using interpersonal and mass media both as research venues and as research tools. The article ends with the necessity of developing awareness and adaptation of ethics and of our individual responsibilities when using the Internet for various purposes.
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philology: Journal Articles

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