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Title: Decorative values of the built in furniture in Berovo Monastery complex from the beginning of the XIX century
Authors: Nikoljski panevski, Elena 
Takovska, Elena
Keywords: traditional decoration
built in furniture
monastery code
typological analysis
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Design and Technologies of Furniture and Interior in Skopje
Source: Nikoljski Panevski, Е., Takovska, E., (2018): Decorative values of the built in furniture in Berovo Monastery complex from the beginning of the XIX century, Wood, design and technology - Journal of wood science, design and technology, Vol.7, Skopje, 2018.
Journal: Wood, design and technology - Journal of wood science, design and technology
Abstract: In this thesis is concluded a research of the architectural features and values of traditional furniture decoration in the Malesevo region of Macedonia. The subject of the research is the furniture in the Monastery complex in Berovo from the beginning of XIX century. The goal of the research is to analize and valorized the values of furniture decoration that are not sufficiently explored and preserved in this region. The research is focused on two locations, the typology and decorative value, also the anthropological development of users Macedonian women tied directly to the architecture and the culture of living in an closed environment of the Monastery complex.
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Design and Technologies of Furniture and Interior: Journal Articles

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