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Showing results 1 to 20 of 744  next >
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Abstract Impulsive Volterra Integro-Differential InclusionsW-S. Du, M. Kostić, D. Velinov2023Article
Advanced Model Based Assessment of Existing Timber StructuresGramatikov Kiril; Arangjelovski Toni; Docevska MarijaDec-2015Book chapter
Aktuelnosti i perspektive geotehnike u R. MakedonijiJovanovski, Milorad ; Papić, Jovan; Peševski, IgorNov-2015Article
Aktuelnosti i perspektive geotehnike u R. MakedonijiJovanovski M, Papić J, Peshevski INov-2015Proceedings
Almost Periodic Solutions of Abstract Impulsive Volterra Integro-Differential InclusionsW-S. Du, M. Kostić, D. Velinov2023Article
Ambient vibration testing of public unreinforced masonry buildings from the beginning of the 20th centuryChurilov, S; Micevski, S; Dumova-Jovanoska, E2018Proceedings
Cirkulacioni sistemi.pdf.jpgANALIZA SUSTAVA PROMETNE CIRKULACIJE U SREDIŠNJIM ZONAMA GRADA SKOPJADraganco Volceski, Slobodan Ognjenovic, Dejan Metikos2019Proceeding article
Analyses of Costs and Benefits in the Pavement Management Systems.pdf.jpgAnalyses of Costs and Benefits in the pavement Management SystemsOgnjenovic, S, Ishkov, A, Cvetkovic, D, Peric, D, Romanovich, M2016
Analysis and design of a steel joist, comparison of Macedonian standard with EurocodeMladen Nasteski; Denis Popovski; Mile PartikovApr-2022Proceeding article
Analysis and design of Reinforced Concrete Building with different Classes of ConcreteChaneva Jordanka; Arangjelovski Toni; Cvetanovska N. Golubka; Zlatevski AleksandarSep-2016Article
“THE ANALYSIS AND MEASURING THE NOISE ON THE A2 MOTORWAY (E-65) MOTHER THERESA, SECTION: SKOPJE – TETOVO”Mijoski, G., Moslavac D., Krakutovski Z., Samardzioska T.Mar-2020Article
Analysis of a reinforced soil retaining wall in a platform embankmentMicevski, Stefan; Shoklarovski, Antonio; Susinov, Bojan ; Abazi, Sead2015Journal Article
Analysis of composite columns loaded by biaxial action using diagrams of iterations according to Eurocode 4Angelko Stojanovski; Denis Popovski; Mile PartikovApr-2022Proceeding article
Analysis of framing systems for box sections with distortion effectsAleksandra Chubrinovska; Denis Popovski; Mile PartikovSep-2023Proceeding article
GNP 2016 Zvanje VP Final 02.pdf.jpgANALYSIS OF INTERACTION BETWEEN ROCK MASS AND LINING SUPPORT FOR ROAD TUNNELZafirovski,Zlatko; Moslavac,Darko; Krakutovski,Zoran; Jovanovski,MiloradMar-2016Proceeding article
Analysis of lateral deflection of steel moment resisting frameDenis Popovski; Mile Partikov; Ditar MemediDec-2023Article
Analysis of masonry walls strengthened with RC jacketsChurilov, S; Dumova-Jovanoska, E2012Proceedings
CETRA 2016 Zvanje VP Final.pdf.jpgAnalysis of new superstructure components of railway track in tunnel Sozina in MontenegroKrakutovski,Zoran; Moslavac,Darko; Zafirovski,Zlatko; Glavinov,AleksandarMay-2016Proceeding article
Analysis of resistance and stability of castellated composite beam for different number of shear connectorsStefanija Mikarovska; Denis Popovski; Mile PartikovJul-2020Article
Analysis of resistance and stability of castelated composite beam for various number of shear connectors, Mikarovska S, Popovski D.pdf.jpgAnalysis of resistance and stability of castellated composite beam for various number of shear connectorsStefanija Mikarovska; Denis PopovskiOct-2019Proceedings