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Title: Secondary malignant neoplasms in patient with breast carcinoma after radio and chemotherapy
Authors: Damjanovikj, Dejan 
Atanasov, Nenad 
Vasilevska Nikodinovska, Violeta 
Stojkovski, Igor 
Samardjiski, Milan 
Keywords: secondary malignancy
chemo therapy
Issue Date: Jun-2017
Publisher: Македонско друштво на ортопеди и трауматолози = Macedonian Association of Orhopedics and Traumatology
Journal: Македонски ортопедско-трауматолошки гласник = Acta Ortopedica et Traumatologica Macedonica
Abstract: Secondary malignant neoplasms (SMN) are cancers caused by treatment with radiotherapy and chemotherapy. They are unrelated to the first cancer that was treated and may occur months or even years after initial treatment. With advances in diagnosis and treatment there is an increasing number of long-term cancer survivors, but also there is growing concern about the risk of radiotherapy and chemotherapy induced malignant neoplasm. In our case report we present a patient that underwent radiotherapy and chemotherapy several times because of recurrence from a well differentiated breast carcinoma with characteristics of cilindroma. After 6 years from the initial treatment a solid renal tumor was found, the histopathological finding from the kidney tissue was “multilocular renal cell carcinoma”. After 11 years skin changes appeared, histopathologically classified as dermatofibrosarcomama.
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medicine: Journal Articles

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