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Title: Рачунање R – фактора (фактор ерозивне енергије кише) за потребе моделирања губитака земљишта помоћу RUSLE методе на основу годишњих падавина
Other Titles: Calculation of the R-factor ( the rainfall erosivity factor) for the needs of modeling soil losses using the RUSLE method, based on annual precipitation
Authors: Blinkov, Ivan 
Minchev, Ivan 
Trendafilov, Bozhin
Keywords: erosion, soil losses, RUSLE, R-factor
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Association of graduate engineers in torrent control of Serbia and University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry, Belgrade, Kneza Viseslava 1, 11030 Belgrade
Source: ЕРОЗИЈА Научно-стручни часопис за уређење бујица и заштиту од ерозије
Journal: ЕРОЗИЈА Scientific Journal of erosion and torrent control
Series/Report no.: 48;
Abstract: The USLE / RUSLE method is the most widely used method in the world for calculating erosion intensity expressed as soil loss. IN the latest period, a map of soil loss EU was made by this method. One of the key parameters for applying the RUSLE method is the R - erosive energy factor for which a global world map model has been created too. In the Republic of North Macedonia there are no available data to use original access for calculation this factor. That is why the approach is based on the annual precipitations. Several equations developed in different parts of the world were analyzed. Calculation was done for data from 17 gauges stations in the country, and at the same time modeling has been done for the whole country on the basis of altitude. Comparison of the obtained values with the results for the border areas and high mountains in Greece and Bulgaria, showed that they are realistic and enable o be further applied in the final modeling for creation of Soil Loss map in the Republic of North Macedonia using RUSLE method. Average R - factor in states amounts to 533 (MJ mm ha-1 h-1 yr-1), and rises from 437 (MJ mm ha-1 h-1 yr-1) in Krivolaka district in the central part of the country, to 835 (MJ mm ha-1 h-1 yr-1) in the southwestern part of Shar Planinа and Korab mountains.
ISSN: 0350-9648
Appears in Collections:Hans Em Faculty of Forest Sciences, Landscape Architecture and Environmental Engineering: Journal Articles

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