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Title: Experiences of healthcare staff providing community-based mental healthcare as a multidisciplinary community mental health team in Central and Eastern Europe findings from the RECOVER-E project: an observational intervention study
Authors: Roth, Catharina
Wensing, Michel
Kuzman, Martina Rojnic
Bjedov, Sarah
Medved, Sara
Istvanovic, Ana
Grbic, Danijela Stimac
Simetin, Ivana Pavic
Tomcuk, Aleksandar
Dedovic, Jovo
Djurisic, Tatijana
Nica, Raluca Ileana
Rotaru, Tiberiu
Novotni, A
Bajraktarov, Stojan 
Milutinovikj, Milosh 
Nakov, Vladimir
Zarkov, Zahari
Dinolova, Roumyana
Walters, Bethany Hipple
Shields-Zeeman, Laura
Petrea, Ionela
Issue Date: 24-Oct-2021
Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Journal: BMC psychiatry
Abstract: Community Mental Health Teams (CMHTs) deliver healthcare that supports the recovery of people with mental illness. The aim of this paper was to explore to what extent team members of five CMHTs newly implemented in five countries perceived that they had introduced aspects of the recovery-oriented, strength-based approach into care after a training week on recovery-oriented practice. In addition, it evaluated what the team members' perceptions on their care roles and their level of confidence with this role were.
DOI: 10.1186/s12888-021-03542-2
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medicine: Journal Articles

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