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Title: Достигнувања и тенденции на техничко-технолошкиот развој во областа на воената технологија
Other Titles: Achievements and tendencies of technical and technological development in the field of military technology
Authors: Цветковски, Сергеј 
Спасов, Николчо
Павлески, Александар
Keywords: technical-technological development, military skill, exhaustion, dependence, weapons.
Issue Date: 21-Dec-2018
Publisher: Универзитет "ЕВРО-БАЛКАН Скопје"
Journal: Зборник на трудови "ЕВРО-БАЛКАН Скопје"
Series/Report no.: Зборник на трудови;
Conference: Шеста меѓународна научна конференција "Науката - поддршка за развојот во Југоисточна Европа"
Abstract: The technical-technological development is characterized by a contradictory process in which the increase in human creation possibilities in direction of the production of material civilization goods simultaneously increases its destructive power. Significant progress is expected in the sphere of renewable energy, medicine, genetic engineering, food production and communications. The authors of this paper are trying to analyze the implications of technical and technological development on military technology and the problems / advantages of warfare. The analysis is done at two levels: at the international political level and deeper at the level of strategic concepts and military forces. It is confirmed the known truth that one means is neither progressive nor regressive and its role depends on the purpose for which it is used. Technological development is used in a race of exhausting the potential opponent and as a means of hegemony. New weapons introduce qualitative changes to the art of warfare. Nuclear and computer technology in the last century introduced revolutionary changes in the conduct of the war. Predictions indicate an increased likelihood of the use of chemical and biological agents for combat purposes.
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philosophy 05: Conference papers / Трудови од научни конференции

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