Browsing "Faculty of Physical Education, Sport and Health" by Subject
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- - blood pressure, diagnosis, hypertension, physical fitness, aerobic fitness, sensitivity 1
- 1 RM 1
- 1 RM, strength, 1
- 12 years old pupils, athletes, non-athletes, body composition 1
- 12 years old pupils, body composition, male, female, percentage of muscle tissue, basal metabolism, center, suburb. 1
- 12 years old pupils, male, female, obesity, center, suburb 1
- 1500m., 1
- 1RM, 3
- 1RM, isokinetic, 1
- 3 weeks 1
- 3 weeks, 2
- 6 weeks 1
- 6 weeks, 1
- abalak, 1
- Abdominal obesity. Adolescents. Anthropometric measurements. LMS method. ROC analysis. 1
- accuracy, 1
- achievement factors, 1
- ACTN3 1
- adolescent, physical activity, sedentary, perception, barriers, benefits, self-efficacy, social support 1
- Adolescent; Barriers; Physical activity; Sedentary; Self-efficacy; Social support. 1