Browsing "Faculty of Philosophy" by Subject
Showing results 2 to 21 of 830
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- A-TE-WO-JO, mycenaean, personal names 1
- academic freedom, N. Macedonia, Bulgaria, historiography, historical commission 1
- ACADIA test 2
- acceptance, attitudes, kindergarten children, physical disability, intellectual disability 1
- acceptance, teachers, students with disability, inclusive education 1
- Accessible museums, Autism spectrum disorders, families 1
- Accidents, Urban development, Accident preparation, Protection and rescue, Vulnerability 1
- acute renal failure (ARF), lethality, outcome 1
- acute renal failure (ARF), mortality, outcome, multiple organ system failure (MOSF) 1
- acute renal failure (ARF), multiple organ system failure (MOSF), and outcome 1
- addictive behavior, assessment, compulsive sexual behavior, cross-cultural, International Sex Survey (ISS), validation 1
- Addictive behaviors, Alcohol Use Disorders, Identification Test (AUDIT), Cross-cultural comparison, Gender, LGBTQ, Sexual orientation, Measurement invariance 1
- Adult myopia 1
- adults with intellectual disability, quality of life, choice making, future expectations, self-assessment, assessment by others. 1
- Ages and stages questionnaire, Bayesian analysis, child development,developmental assessment, Macedonia 1
- Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQ), Етапен развоен прашалник, развојни доцнења, прашалник наменет за родители, скрининг инструмент, релијабилност 1
- Albanians, Kingdom of Yugoslavia, Minorities, Migrations, Population censuses of 1921 and 1931 1
- Alcinous, god, intellect, aphairesis, knowledge 1
- Ancient epistolary theory, ancient letter, epistolary decorum 1
- angeborene-infantile Esotropie, Prävalenz, sphärisches Äquivalent, Behandlung 1