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Title: Жигови гаранције: европска и регионална регулациона искуства
Other Titles: Certification marks: European and regional regulatory experiences
Authors: Гавриловиќ, Ненад
Keywords: certification marks, quality function, EU trademark law
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Правни факултет Универзитета у Крагујевцу
Conference: Изазови права интелектуалне својине у 21. веку: Зборник реферата по позиву са научног скупа у част проф. др Божина Влашковића одржаног 23. новембра 2019. година на Правном факултету у Крагујевцу
Abstract: The paper analyzes the legal regulation of certification marks in the legal systems of the countries of the region. Starting from the rudimentary state of Macedonian regulation on certification marks, the corresponding Bosnian, Serbian and Croatian regulations are analyzed, in addition to the Macedonian. The aforementioned analysis of regional legislation is conducted against the new European regulation on certification marks. After determining the relevant degree of development of the regional regulation on certification marks, as opposed to the European regulation, conclusions are drawn on the very need for the existence of regulation on certification marks in terms of their enhanced quality function.
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Law: Journal Articles

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